Our physical, emotional, and business health are all inextricably tied.
As creative entrepreneurs, we can’t separate our minds, our bodies, and our businesses. Each influences the other in so many ways. When our bodies and minds are thriving, we are more able to fully show up in our businesses. And I believe breathwork is the key to tending to all three.
Healing is important to all humans, and business owners are humans.
Sometimes we tell ourselves we can hustle our way through anything, and while that may be true, we can only do that so much before we wear ourselves out. Just as people can be out of alignment or unwell, so can businesses. Both can benefit from care, deep listening, and healing.
Healing isn’t linear – it’s spiralic.
There’s no end point, finish line, or race. Sometimes we have to let ourselves fall apart so we can build ourselves back up from scratch. This is true in both life and business. I’m here to hold your hand and help you get back up when things get scary and you feel like you’re falling.
Healing is a human right.
We were created whole and perfect, and through cultural conditioning and trauma parts of us feel as though they are being (or have been) chipped away. We are unconditionally worthy of love and support as we work through these things. We all have access to our breath, which I believe is the most basic but transformative tool for healing.
And to care for our businesses, we need to care for ourselves.
We show up best for those we serve when we’ve first shown up for ourselves. As creative entrepreneurs, we can't compartmentalize our work and life. Self-care as business-care is really tuning in and listening to your heart and giving yourself permission to follow its whispers, even when (especially when!) they feel like they live on the edge of possibility.
We are our own best healers.
We know our bodies and our businesses better than anyone else does. We don’t need someone else (or something else) outside of us to “heal” or “fix” us. We are resilient and built for self-healing. We have the power to make the changes we want to see in ourselves, our businesses, and the world at large.
Systemic oppression creates trauma.
This trauma needs to be recognized and healing needs to be accessible. At the same time, those in power (white, cis, straight, colonizers) must take responsibility for dismantling occupations, settling, white supremacy, religious persecution, cis-straight heteronormative culture, and other harmful forms of systemic oppression. Read my racial equity in healing spaces statement here.
When it comes to making change, the small influences the large.
Influenced by the work of adrienne maree brown in Emergent Strategy, I'm interested in seeing how small actions we can take in our businesses and healing can influence collective change and healing.
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Amy Kuretsky (she/her) is a licensed acupuncturist with the board of medical practice in Minnesota. She’s nationally board certified in Chinese herbs through NCCAOM, and in health coaching through International Consortium for Health and Wellness Coaching.
She graduated from Northwestern Health Sciences University in 2013 after being drawn into the world of natural medicine and acupuncture as a result of searching for a way to heal her own body from Crohn’s disease, an autoimmune disease of the digestive system.
She is a certified Wellcoaches health coach after completing their health coaching for licensed health care professionals certification.
In 2016 she studied breathwork under David Elliott, and completed all four levels of the Breathwork Healer training program. After finding the trainings lacking and often harmful, she and five other past-students organized for more anti-oppression and trauma-informed training as part of the Breathwork for the People collective. Read our letters here.
She is a level 2 Reiki healer after studying with Tanya Boigenzahn from Devanadi Yoga, and a Pranic Healing practitioner after studying with Dr. Jason Calva. She is an alumna of both the Brooklyn Fools and Tarot for the Wild Soul online tarot courses with Jeff Hinshaw and Lindsay Mack, respectively.
Amy co-owns Constellation Acupuncture & Healing Arts, a natural medicine clinic, in Minneapolis, MN (on occupied Dakota and Anishinaabe territory) and has over ten years of other business and entrepreneurship experience including local production of an international film festival.
When she’s not holding space for healing and helping, she can be found walking around in the woods with her partner and her dog, exploring the land and connecting with nature.