Case Study

Shay Shindler

Free the Robot Creative

Shay was hitting every marker of success.

Her booming creative agency she started with her husband was thriving, but Shay felt adrift.

She started looking for a way out - and after working with coaches who focused on following the perfect protocols, she knew she needed to find someone who empowered her and spoke her language.


Free the Robot Creative, the business Shay started with her husband in 2014, was a success. However, as the business continued to grow and thrive, Shay realized she felt unfulfilled and adrift in her business. She started to look for a way out when she realized she spent her time helping clients envision their future, while not loving the future that sat in front of her. She secretly had a desire to burn it down and rebuild.Over the years Shay had worked with various business coaches. And while she always liked her coaches, she often felt like she was being taught that there’s only one way to run a business - with ‘right ways’ to do things and ‘wrong ways.’ She started to feel disempowered and discouraged as her brain just couldn’t accept such black and white thinking. “I felt like a square peg trying to fit in her round hole. I felt like I wasn't going to be as successful as I desired without those skills,” Shay shared. She knew her strategic thinking, which had always served her well in the past and had gotten her a string of great clients, usually found answers to her problems by thinking her way through them - but she felt like it was time to break that pattern. 

After stumbling upon my website monthly group breathwork through a business friend, Shay felt a pull to sign up for coaching - and perhaps for the first time in a long time, followed that intuition right into change and growth. 

In our work together, Shay’s biggest challenge was learning to trust the timing and answers already within herself, rather than default to outside ‘expert’ advice or ‘best practices.’ We worked to break those mental habits, reframe the assumptions, and regularly remind Shay that she could do things her way - whether it was the “right” way or not. Through honest - and sometimes tender - conversations, we found ways for Shay to reclaim her confidence and trust her intuition.

Sometimes we all have a tendency to seek answers outside of ourselves - from gurus, teachers, and yes - even coaches. Shay needed permission to remember that she didn’t have to copy anyone else’s roadmap to success, and that she could build her own. Our work together helped her tune out the noise, tune into what success meant for her, and trust that she could reach it on her own terms. Plus we always made room for intuition building and deepening trust through regular tarot readings and lots of space held for the inevitable messiness of life as a business owner.

Sometimes being a business owner isn’t all business - and one of the gifts of working with Shay was holding space for her to be emotional - or, a “hot mess” as she lovingly described it. Together, we worked on exploring different perspectives of what a successful entrepreneur looked like. Shay felt tied down to the identity of a perfect businesswoman and often felt like she must wear all the masks that one must wear as a business owner. 

But life events outside of her control recently pulled her attention from her business. This meant that sometimes, our coaching sessions were just as much about navigating hard life circumstances as much as hard work circumstances. Business owners are whole humans, and holding space for the humanity behind the business is one of the foundational steps of helping people like Shay build their strength and intuition – and realize that life and work don’t have to be so separate. Shay needed permission to drop the mask of a business owner and quite simply be a human - genuine and raw.

“I constantly need a reminder to stop seeking answers from outside gurus, experts, and whatever. Not that there's anything wrong with that - I love being coached. I love getting different perspectives. But ultimately, if you don't want to hate your business at the end of the day, you must sit with yourself and really look at yourself honestly. What are my gifts? What do I like doing? What do I not like doing? And pivot from there. Working with Amy has given me this perspective and confidence.”

With Shay, we used honest conversations along with breathwork, tarot, and journaling to center the spinning mind of a successful businesswoman, navigate a difficult work/life balance, and tap into intuition, trust, and self-confidence. Focusing on self-sourcing, letting go of the strategic mind, and tapping into her mindset and emotional healing took Shay’s work and life to new levels of balance and harmony. She’s now able to make decisions because they feel right, rather than because of a strategy or long thought process she’s used. For the first time, she’s able to stop comparing her model to others’ - and feel stronger and more confident in her decision making and in her vision. In Shay’s words:  “I have a business coach that reads my tarot cards and leads me in breathwork sessions, and honestly it's been the most transformative thing I've ever done.”

In her own words:

“Working with Amy has helped me tune out the noise and tune into what success means for me. From my work with Amy, I'm happier and more at peace with where I'm at in my business than I've ever been. Before, I was waking up every morning in a panic. Now, I wake up excited. I am creating something I won’t want to retire from. I feel like what I'm doing daily is more aligned with my skill set, and that feels nice in a way that it never has. It's starting to feel easier and more enjoyable.”

– Shay


Strategy Vs. Emotion

Consummate businesswoman Shay needed space to let go of the strategy, spreadsheets, and bulletpoints of business. Having a business coach that allowed her to be emotional, use non-traditional ways of guiding her work, and held space for her as a whole human rather than a figurehead of a company allowed her to tag into her integrity, confidence, flexibility and humility — and let go of the competition.

Ready to work together? Let’s chat.